Webinar: FlexiPro™ Chrom and TFF achieve superior separation of difficult biomolecules with Hamilton® probes
27 Oct 23
Learn more about how the FlexiPro™ Chrom and FlexiPro™ TFF use Hamilton® probes to enable high precision dilution and linear gradient regulation for superior separations of difficult biomolecules.
Sébastien Lefebvre, VP of R&D, participated as a guest speaker at Hamilton’s webinar ‘Critical Process Parameters in Downstream Unit Operations’ on October 27, 2023.
The VERDOT® FlexiPro™ Chrom single-use system offers process flexibility to perform a wide range of chromatography processes.
The VERDOT® FlexiPro™ TFF System versatility is ideal for all filtration steps from clarification to formulation within a single system.
Reach out to learn more about how we can help you with your downstream processing needs.